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Hyland's - Earache Drops

Hyland's Ear Ache Drops for All Ages
Hyland's - Earache Drops
Temporarily relieves the symptoms of fever, pain, irritability, and sleeplessness associated with earaches in children, after diagnosis by a physician. Relieves common pain and itching of "swimmer's ear."
Price: $14.00



Hyland's Earache Drops

Product Information: All-Natural Relieves Ear Pain Fast Good For Swimmer's Ear Easy to Use Dropper Bottle Temporarily relieves the symptoms of fever, pain, irritability, and sleeplessness associated with earaches in children, after diagnosis by a physician. Relieves common pain and itching of 'swimmer's ear'. If symptoms persist for more than 48 hours, or if there is a discharge from the ear, discontinue use and contact your physician.

Ingredients: Pulsatilla 30C HPUS, Chamomilla 30C HPUS, Sulphur 30C HPUS, Calcarea Carbonica 30C HPUS, Belladonna 30C HPUS, Lycopodium 30C HPUS.
Inactive Ingredients: Citric Acid USP, Purified Water, Sodium Benzoate USP, Vegetable Glycerine USP.

Directions: Adults and children of all ages: Titl head sideways and apply 3-4 drops into involved ear 4 times daily or as needed. Tilt ear upward for at least 2 minutes after application or gently place cotton in ear to keep drops in.

Warnings: Keep away from eyes. Do not take by mouth.

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